What stops you from becoming a giant in your industry using social media marketing? The answer is fear. Think about all the places that you could use to increase your business if you just put aside your fears and tried. Here are a few of our favorites:
• YouTube
• Google+
What type of content produces the biggest results on most of these social media sites? Video beats any other type of content. This is where the fear factor hits for most people. They cannot imagine sitting in front of a camera and talking for five to thirty minutes to share a story. The idea of doing a video makes their hands sweat and their heart pound. You need to get over it. If you want to become a big success, using social media marketing you must use video. Let us talk about some ways for you to overcome your fear and hesitation.
The first suggestion is just start. Turn on your webcam and start recording some horrible videos. Do it as simple video blog and upload them to YouTube. You can even joke in your videos about how terrible you look today and how your message is rambling. The important thing is to do it. One of the top leaders in the network-marketing world recently issued a challenge to his entire organization to create videos for 90 days straight. Imagine how much improvement you would make in 90 days of doing a video blog on YouTube.
A video blog allows you to relax and just talk about anything. You do not have to stay focused on your business. You can share about a video you watched, the book you are reading, or something that happened in your life. This is your playground to improve your skills and at the same time to start creating a bigger presence in social media. We recommend sharing your videos on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites to increase your viewers.
Along with doing a video blog, you should start doing a tutorial or sales video several times each week. Create content people will enjoy watching. These videos can be done using screen recording software like Camtasia. We recommend using your own voice to narrate your videos since it adds a personal touch and helps expand your authority and impact in your market.
Yes, we claimed we were going to help you overcome your fear. The only way you are going to overcome your fear is to start making the videos, sharing them, and enjoy the embarrassment. You are going to make some bad videos the first few weeks. How do we know that? We made terrible videos for weeks. We felt the sweat. Our voice shook as we talked. Our hands trembled as we tried to focus on what we wanted to say. After we recorded videos for 21 days, things started to change. We started feeling relaxed. Our confidence grew. The only way you will overcome your fear of video in your social media marketing is to dive head first into recording videos. It may be uncomfortable for a few weeks. Once your confidence grows, your marketing impact will skyrocket.
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